Friday, May 27, 2011

Cool Quotes!

My favorite quote in the novel Hamlet is "Thus concience does make cowards of us all." In other words stating thinking delays action. this quote remains true to this day in many different cases. A friend of mine was once afraid of roller coasters, and everytime we would go to an amusement park she would panic at the last possible second and back out. once she finally got onto one she realized how fun it was and now she is the first to ride when we go to amusements parks. she faced a fear and succeeded in her attempt prooving that her delay of action was a waste of time.

Thursday, May 12, 2011


The mail is here.

King Cole. King Cudi

For all of those music fans out there J. Cole and Kid Cudi are better than your favorite artists.


Bathroom Break

ME: May I use the bathroom sir?

Sub: Yes.


Good Eats

Nachos and chocolate milk for lunch.

Advice is Amazing...when you use it ahahahahahahahahaahah

Out of all of the advice Polonius gave to Laertes, think before you speak is the most valuable. It is advice that is taken for granted by most, many wait until it is too late to realize the strength this statement possesses. I was given this advice before and it was very valuable. I avoided a fight by holding my tounge and watching what i said.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Mali's Movie Madness!!!!

Zefferelli's version of Hamlet gives the best picture out of  the three movies that portrays the time period very well. The actor choice is perfect also. Mel Gibson does an articulate job during his first soliloquy. I was taken aback by the emotion and power of the speech Mel gave. The actor who portrayed Claudius was also fit for the character as well. His emotionless character and cold facial expressions really forced the veiwer to understand his power and positon. The mood during the movie with very rare scenes containing light. The close camera angles created a gloomy, dismal tone to the movie. With all of these key factors put together into one movie, are the reason why i choose Zefferelli's version of Hamlet.

Hi im Here

You are now in the presence of greatness.